Sunday, July 24, 2011

Homemade Vanilla Extract

We've had a number of ideas that we've been kicking around lately. There are so many really easy products that you can make at home, but they involve a lot of that one all-important factor: time. Sarah and I are more of the instant gratification mindset. We want to make something and appreciate its deliciousness right away! Who wouldn't? Well, as Heinz ketchup assured us back in the '80s, good things come to those who wait.

If you have 3 vanilla beans and a cup of vodka, you are 8 weeks away from your own vanilla extract. We just made ours a couple days ago, so we're 7.5 weeks away from enjoying ours, and we can't wait to report back. We'll be brainstorming vanilla recipes in the meantime. (We're open to ideas...)

You can also use rum or bourbon if you prefer! I like the neutral flavor of vodka myself. You may discover (if you haven't already) that vanilla beans are pretty pricey. But once you've started using your extract, you can top it off with more vodka and the pods will continue to flavor your extract. Plus, if you use vanilla beans for a recipe, you can put the scraped out pods into the jar and continue to feed the extract, making it last forever. A good investment!


Homemade Vanilla Extract

  • 3 vanilla beans
  • 1 cup of vodka
Cut each vanilla bean in half (so that they will be completely covered by the vodka when they're in the jar. Slice each bean open lengthwise, exposing the seeds but keeping the bean intact. Place the beans in a jar that has a tight-fitting lid. Pour the vodka over, close the lid, and give a couple shakes. Put the jar in a dark, cool place, and once or twice a week give it another shake. After 8 weeks, your extract is ready!


  1. Gorgeous. We save old jars too and do the same thing. It tastes great!

  2. Mines been done for about 8 months now, we love it. I just add more vodka as needed, and a vanilla bean now and again. I also have excellent vanilla from Mexico when my family went, so I save the homemade for delicate application - sweetened whipped cream or simple vanilla pancakes. My husband actually enjoys sipping it, when we have people over he pour a little in a glass and shares. I actually used his leftover port bottle and its just gorgeous in there! So pretty.

  3. I really love your blog for sharing these simple and everyday recipes that you would usually never dream of making. They're truly inspiring.

    I'm wondering if i could use this method to make my own rose extract?

  4. I really look forward to seeing the outcome of this in a month or so. Thanks for sharing, it seems simple enough. Vanilla is so expensive here. Interesting comment about sipping it too. Would make a lovely gift!

  5. I really look forward to eyesight the succession of this in a month or so. Thanks for sharing, it seems simple enough. Vanilla is so expensive here. Interesting notes closely sipping it too. Would make a lovely gift!

  6. I made a huge bottle the beginning of January for Christmas gift this coming December. I figure the longer it sits, the better it will be, and everyone will love it.


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