Sunday, October 28, 2012

Black Bean & Winter Squash Veggie Burger

This hearty flavor-packed veggie burger is made with black beans and winter squash along with corn, onion, and quinoa.  Its spices are southwest inspired, it’s amazingly good for you, and I am really enjoying this as a new way to eat lots of winter squash (sans cinnamon, maple, and those other common autumn flavors that I’m getting a little weary of). 

Black Bean & Winter Squash Burger

I’ve been wanting to try my hand at making veggie burgers for quite some time, but I worried they’d fall apart without some sort of processed soy-based binder.  I was wrong!   6 Tablespoons of oats – ground to a grainy flour via food processor – and these babies stick together like magic.  Thanks to Edible Perspective for the insight!

Oat Flour & Red Quinoa

The list of spices that get thrown into these is long, but none are totally critical other than the cumin & chili powder.  If you don’t have coriander powder on hand, for example, don’t let that stop you from trying these burgers.

DIY Black Bean burgers

See how nicely they hold together?  And their bright colors are quite lovely!  You can cook these burgers two different ways – a quick pan fry for a golden brown crust (below), or baking in the oven on parchment paper.  Both yield delicious results so do whatever is easiest for you.

Black Bean & Winter Squash Burger

Black Bean & Winter Squash Burger

Yield: approx 9 burgers
Recipe Inspiration: The Burger by Edible Perspective
  • 6 Tbsp oats (ground into grainy sand via food processor)
  • 1 1/4 c black beans (cooked)
  • 2 cups winter squash (cooked).  Winter squashes aren't all created equal, so try to choose a dry variety of winter squash (kabocha, butternut, red kuri) rather than something really soft and wet (like delicata).
  • 1/2 cup quinoa (cooked)
  • 1/2 cup frozen corn
  • 1/2 onion, chopped
  • 2 garlic cloves, minced
  • 1T olive oil

Burger Spices

(Cumin is most important, other than that none are required. Mix and match based on what you’ve got & what sounds good to you!)
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • 1 tsp cumin
  • 1 tsp tarragon
  • 1/4 tsp coriander
  • 1 tsp chili powder
Grind the oats in a food processor until they’re grainy & sandy. Just a few pulses.
Put the black beans into a bowl, then mash them with a fork.  Goal is to have about 1/2 mashed and the other 1/2 fairly intact.  Dump oat flour, squash, quinoa, corn, onion, garlic, and olive oil into the bean bowl.  Stir well to combine.  Add all the spices.  Mix well.
Form the burgers into patties with your hands.  Place on a parchment lined baking sheet.  You may either pan fry them (3-4 minutes per side on medium heat) or bake them (350 for 15 minutes per side).  We tried both ways, and really couldn’t tell a difference. 
Black Bean & Winter Squash Burger


  1. Great veggie burger. It's gone straight into the to-try pile on pinterest.

  2. I'm a huge fan of homemade veggie burgers and have tried several different varieties. This recipe will be on my list to make soon! Looks delish!

  3. Sarah, these burgers look so yum! I'm thinking they would be hearty and flavorful enough that you wouldn't even need the bun - a nice thing for GF folks like me:)

    1. Yes, exactly! I can seem them being great on top of a big salad or lettuce/collard wrap. Next time I make them I'm going to add a little more salt, and probably up the cumin & chili powder as well. If you make them and change up the spices, let me know what you end up doing & what you think - I'm very interested!

  4. do you think you can freeze them? before or after baking?

    1. OK Leisl - I'm making a big batch of this for freezing right now. I'm going to bake them in the oven (15 min per side), let them completely cool, then freeze them. To eat them I'll probably let them thaw completely then pan fry to get them nice & golden brown on each side.

  5. oh yes!! this is the perfect dinner!

  6. Winter squash in the oven right now. We are moving and trying to eat down our pantry.. I came across this recipe and realized we had everything in it, and all of it needed using. Very much so looking forward to these. They have a pretty awesome nutritional profile, too! Tons of protein and fiber. Nice!

    1. I love it when recipes call for stuff you've already got laying around! Let us know if you like them when you try them. I have a 2nd batch in the oven right now :)

    2. Definitely liked them a lot! I found that I had to get them hot before pan-frying them or they burned before they got hot in the middle. I probably just had the pan too hot, but a quick microwave worked, too!

  7. These look fabulous! My first and only veggie burger attempt was a failure. I think it's about time to give them another shot.

  8. Okay, I am going to make this next week! I have all these black beans in the freezer from a post I did about freezing beans and I've been looking for something to do with them. :D

  9. I know the whole point of these are the oats...but can they be substituted?

  10. I made this recipe, and it tasted great, but the burgers were very mushy and fell to pieces quite easily. Which squash did you use? I was using delicata, which feels like it has more water content than, say, a butternut.

    1. Erin, that's a good point and I actually just experienced it for myself too! I've made this recipe successfully with drier squashes (kabocha, butternut, red kuri) but when I tried to make it with a really high water content squash (like your delicata or, in my case, a really wet buttercup squash) this recipe does tend to fall apart.

    2. Thanks Sarah. It tasted really amazing, squooshiness notwithstanding. I put a really old cheddar on top and it was just perfect.

  11. How much is 1/2 cup of cooked quinoa in grams? And how much uncooked quinoa makes 1/2 cup cooked?!

  12. I made these and I was able to taste only one of them... my kids ate them all! My daughter recently started following a vegetarian lifestyle so I decided to learn more about it and teach her about nutrition - your site helps me to do that (Thank you!). My daughter and son (a self proclaimed meat-atarian) LOVED THEM...They both came back looking for more!

    Great taste, nice texture and cook beautifully. I was out of quinoa so I replaced with cousous still worked out great!

    1. That is awesome - I'm so glad you all loved them! I actually just pulled a few out of my freezer last night and ate them on top of nachos. Yum! :)

  13. Good read. Ground oats seem to make a good binder for veggie burgers. Thanks for sharing.

  14. That looks so good. I wish I could reach into my computer screen and eat it! Thanks for sharing such great recipes!

  15. mushy. decent flavor- just never became "burgers". My family dubbed them sloppy joe's.


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